Communications Strategist & Multimedia Director
Hi there! I'm Wes Buskirk.
I've always had a profound affinity for visual media, especially engaging videos and purposeful designs that move audiences with effective storytelling. Over the past three years, as a Creative Director for Erickson Strategies and a Communications Strategist for Martin Waymire, I've expanded my UX design, digital marketing, and strategic communication skills.
Digital Marketing
Video advertisements made with Adobe Premiere Pro & AfterEffects
Motion Graphics
Animations made with Adobe Premiere Pro & AfterEffects
Promoting a wine and jazz bar's in-house wine collection | Grand Rapids, MI
Sharon Emery
Introducing the book launch of 'It's Hard Being You' | East Lansing, MI
Hemlock Semiconductor (HSC)
Debuting AB Ghosh as the CEO of HSC to newly hired employees | Hemlock, MI
Publicising the 2019 Annual Lansing Lugnuts Chili Cook-Off | Lansing, MI
Lansing NOW!
Showing off the home of the Chevrolet Camaro | Lansing, MI
Documenting volunteers teaching elementary students about electricity | Dexter, MI
Hegira Health, Inc.
Explaining Hegira Health's Pathways for Suicide Prevention Program | Livonia, MI
Preventing suicide through Comcast TV and streaming commercials,
funded by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
University Research Corridor Informs Michigan Communities
Showcasing the URC's great work in informing the public and policymakers of the danger associated with flooding, PFAS, and microplastics.